We have loaded more than a quarter of a million meals for the extreme SOUTH of Madagascar

Madagascar’s forgotten crisis

Poverty and hunger, on the front line of climate change, call for your donations to our action.

250,000 food rations of rice and vitamin supplements

Thanks to your donations, no less than 250,000 food rations of vitamin-enriched rice were loaded last May at the Port of New York (USA).

An exceptional expedition that began like this:

Rev. Ray Wilke
President of Orphan Grain Train


Loading the container at Orphan Grain Train warehouses


Little Norfolk Nebraska is the hub

Orphan Grain Train’s national office is the hub around which all Orphan Grain Train activities revolve. While the other 28 branches and collection centers across the country are all volunteer workers.

After crossing the United States by truck, half a million meals for the women and children of southern Madagascar arrived in May at the Port of New York.

As planned, we loaded our 40″ container onto the COSCO AMERICA ship. A total of 18,907 kg of vitamin-enriched rice (1,260 packages) left New York for the port of EHOALA Fort DAUPHIN SUD in Madagascar, with a final destination in the Androy region.

A family picks dried sap from a cactus to eat, September 5, 2021, in the Beraketa village of the Ifotaka commune, Anosy region © Rossy Heriniaina

The food will be received by Father Gaston Faratsely and the Sisters of Charity. The Sisters of Charity care for 1,500,000 people in the far south of Madagascar suffering from disease and poor nutrition.

Several organizations have joined us in this humanitarian effort, without which nothing would have been possible:

Orphan Grain Train, Inc,
Central Cargo North America
Madagascar Association,
Madagascar Foundation and
Adam de Villiers Foundation

With God’s help and your support we hope to be able to send further containers during 2024.

We’re counting on your support!

Help us to help.

Your help is now crossing the oceans…

The CGM ship is currently transporting our 250,000 meals for unloading at the new port of EHOALA near Fort DAUPHIN. In the south of Madagasca

Keep your donations!

We need you more than ever

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