2020 and PROJECTS 2021
Humanitarian association
Founded by Father Pedro Opeka in 1989
Dear friends,
2020 has been a very difficult year all over the world, but especially in developing countries.
Madagascar has not only had to face the health crisis, but has also to fight against extreme poverty.
In March, we underwent the first confinement and the population has respected it.
In Akamasoa, we stopped work, school, religious meeting, the practice of sport and all community life.
However, we continued to help thousands of families with 80% of the aid they received in normal times.
The state has also helped by sharing basic necessities, which has largely relieved the poorest population.
However, the confinement in Madagascar and for the population of our villages was very hard and created many problems.
Indeed, all families live in small spaces and are very unease in their 12-m² houses and it was impossible to stay together day after day and night after night together. In addition, not going to school, not going to work and not practicing sport for 7 months greatly disoriented young people and children who for many of them have fallen into the trap of the disrupted life.
Sunday Masses, initially suppressed, were rearranged in the open air as people needed to pray and come together to ask God to come out of this pandemic unscathed. Of course, all the rules of distancing were respected and masks were required.
Fortunately, we were spared much more than the countries of the North where thousands of people have died from Covid-19, but we remain very concerned and responsible in the face of this dangerous invisible and unpredictable virus.
The difficulties we have encountered this year have created an atmosphere of palpable gloom and poverty is still there and unfortunately must be fought.
Many people have to live from day to day and above all survive, and the basic needs of 70% of the population are still not being met. A country at a standstill for 60 years, with a population that has quadrupled at the same time, lets us imagine the immense and indispensable needs that it would take for people to regain a certain dignity.
Road infrastructure, school buildings, hospitals, maternity hospitals and dispensaries, aid to peasants or young students are insufficient or even non-existent.
One of the major problems is the lack of water, not only in all our villages but also in all areas of Tana. Ditto for electricity, people are still waiting to be connected to the
Jirama network. (National Power Company)
What are successive Governments and State companies doing to change this?
What do we do with the money and the budgets allocated for the common good?
Why so much recklessness and indifference to the plight of our children?
The degradation of the country continues. Ancestral values, the foundations of proud people, are disappearing.
Morals are catastrophic and we have experienced an unprecedented wave of rape that has moved to the top of the state.
Corruption is at its height despite the measures taken by the current Government and continues to do terrible damage.
It is time for our leaders to deliver on their promises and for public servants to get to work!
Despite all difficulties that we had to undergo and go through, during this year 2020, we have made significant efforts to continue building our City of Akamasoa and to continue all the help we provide to thousands of patients every year with our health projects!
Father Pedro
2018 – We are finishing the year
The year 2018 is over and it is our duty to inform you of the work done during this period.
This poverty that we have been living for decades in Madagascar is unbearable and unsustainable, it can not go on! This can create a general chaos, putting a whole country in an abyss and where it will be difficult to leave without damage. If things do not change, in all areas, it will still hurt thousands of children over several generations …
2017 – We are finishing the year
2017 is coming to an end and it is our duty to inform you of the work done during this period.
I do not have too much to describe the situation in which we live daily because, unfortunately, nothing changes. Every year we wonder why this country can not take off economically.
We must fight every day to keep our goal, to put up all those families so long forgotten by the state.
2016 – We are finishing the year
“We are finishing 2016 and we want to share with you around the world, our joys and sorrows in our Akamasoa Humanitarian Action.
It is true that we must be optimistic and positive, and we are really, since we are starting this year the 28th year of fight against poverty in Madagascar.
But our spirit of hope should not prevent us from telling our benefactors the truth about what we experience day by day in the region where we work, as well as throughout the country. “
2015 – It is never easy
“It is never easy to give an annual reporting to you who trust us and help us to continue the work AKAMASOA for thousands of families and Malagasy children.
We are not isolated; we suffer all the adverse consequences of the irresponsibility of those who run the country.
But we want every year, telling the truth as we see from the lowest level, where live thousands of people forgotten by their government and left to their own fate. For one who has eyes and a little wit and humanity, this withdrawal takes scandalous proportions. “
2014 – A very good year
“The people of Akamasoa and I have experienced a very good year. Yes ! A very good year, because a single event came to change everything: he sat us fatigues endured to overcome the difficulties that are never lacking, and he did fly the memory of sentences that beset us because, inevitably, it is as each year. Yes, we have been fortunate to experience a moment of indescribable intensity; a special time of grace and blessing. That on 19 October we celebrated 25 years of Akamasoa! “
2013 – 25 years of humanitarian work
“You who are accompanying us for years in the fight against extreme poverty, we say to you with all our heart THANK YOU! Thank you for staying with us in this unique adventure to defend the dignity of each person! Throughout the year 2014 to come, we will celebrate our 25 years of humanitarian work and development, and this in all areas, to respect the lives of poor and excluded families!
It is a rare event in Madagascar, that last so long and be still standing, with strength, passion, faith and hope! We will celebrate it with simplicity but with great joy! “
2012 – Nothing has changed in the country
“Since the last report in 2011, nothing has changed in the country. A Akamasoa, we tackled, as we do for years with great difficulty, to change the mindset of our brothers and sisters! Then we had to empower people, especially adults and young people who take responsibility for their neighborhood, their town and their country! With ups and downs we go through the help and trust of people of good will we have data worldwide.
2011 – More difficult than the previous one
“We can say that the political, economic and social situation in Madagascar in 2011 was more difficult than the previous year, and the long-awaited presidential elections were unfortunately not occurred. We saw that the political class still lacked love towards his fellow citizens, patriotism and humanism, everything went in a general indifference. “
2010 – A very difficult year
“We had a very difficult 2010! We have witnessed the inability of politicians to put the country on track for peace, justice and development! Their main concerns were hunting posts, privileges and wages! The good of the nation remained their top concern! This, along with indifference and the implicit approval of the international community! “
2009 – Difficult world situation
“Once again we are facing you, to report to you our work and our efforts during 2009. We are always in the forefront in the fight against extreme poverty and to restore the dignity of the poorest in within Akamasoa!
A year finally went pretty fast. Especially when you have so many things to do and build to give some tangible hope for the poor who are tired of waiting for their share of progress of our Earth!
The global financial situation remains difficult and the political crisis in Madagascar is prolonged because of the greed of some politicians who think only of themselves! There are politicians who think: “after me the deluge! “It is time now to denounce that kind of person! A country that is so poor, we speak of 80% of the population lives below the poverty line, is a country that has a bruised and starving people! These millions of people held hostage by their unscrupulous politicians, is an aberration and injustice that cry out to Heaven! “
2008 – The year was very eventful
“The year 2008 was very eventful! We started the year with high hopes that it will be a little better for the poor we care!
Every year we reserve surprises, good and bad! By the record of the year that just ended, we must admit that we still kept our promises and we remained standing despite so many adventures and challenges! We can be pleased to have kept our word because we have achieved most of our projects for this year 2008, thanks to so many people of good will, France, Spain, Slovenia, d’Italy, Austria, Germany and Reunion! “
2007 – We do not know where to start
Our report for the year 2007 will present our achievements, our projects, our worries and our daily problems amid Akamasoa and in the country!
We work in the midst of a people who made efforts and already shows signs of hope despite the situation remains difficult!
When we live in a country with 75% of people below the poverty line, it is very difficult to move forward quickly; Bottling too, too much poverty! We do not know where to start!
This year the state was first occupied by the presidential elections and the referendum to change the constitution, then the legislative elections, and finally, at the end of the year, the local elections!
People are just out to vote! They are disappointed and they see no improvement in purchasing power in their lives! “