And once again, we are here:
300 computers and 100 printers

for the South of Madagascar

More than a year of work… hundreds of volunteers across France…

Pôle Emplois France… Les Ateliers sans Frontières… Madagascar Association… Madagascar Foundation… Adam de Villiers Foundation

A big thank you to all of you who supported us in this new adventure.

All these computers will contribute to the education of our future. The children, the students, are the future for all of us.

But let us not forget their overseeing organizations which, without the right equipment, would be ill-prepared for their mission to guide this youth to a better future.

For some of you, readers of this article, you helped us achieve this mission we set for ourselves. Your donations have been crucial in carrying out this mission.

Here, we present to you the final destination of each of these devices.

The individuals responsible for the handover of these devices are:

Bénédicte and Benoît from Collège Vincentien Marillac under the responsibility of Father Gaston Faratsely, Provincial Visitor (Saint Vincent de Paul)

We thank them from the bottom of our hearts.

List of beneficiaries:


1 Administration Maison Marillac TOLAGNARO (Peres Lazaristes) 4 2
2 Centre Polyvalent Marillac TOLAGNARO (Ecole informatique) (Peres Lazaristes) 20 4
3 Lycee Marillac TOLAGNARO (Peres Lazaristes) 15 2
4 Gollege Vincentien Marillac TOLAGNARO (Peres Lazaristes) 5 4
5 Seminaire Interne Marillac TOLAGNARO (Seminaristes Peres Lazaristes) 10 4
6 Sanctuaire St. Vincent de Paul TOLAGNARO (Peres Lazaristes) 4 3
7 Ecole MANANTENINA TOLAGNARO (Peres Lazaristes) 4 2
8 Radio LAFA TOLAGNARO (Diocese Tolagnaro) 10 4
9 Pavillon Cyber St. Vincent Marillac TOLAGNARO (Peres Lazaristes) 10 3
10 Radio St. Vincent AMBOVOMBE Androy (Peres Lazaristes) 10 4
11 Lycee St. Vincent de Paul BERAKETA (Peres Lazaristes) 6 2
12 College St. Vincent de Paul BEKILY (Peres Lazaristes) 6 2
13 Centre Commercial P. Visca Cyber IHOSY (Peres Lazaristes) 10 4
14 Centre JANGANY IHOSY (Peres Lazaristes) 4 1
15 District Ranohira et Ilakaka (Peres Lazaristes) 2 2
16 Radio AVEC IHOSY (Diocese Ihosy) 10 4
17 Paroisse St. Vincent de Paul BESAVOA IHOSY (Peres Lazaristes) 2 1
18 Scolasticat Philosopha FIANARANTSOA (Peres Lazaristes) 25 6
19 Scolasticat Theologat FIANARANTSOA (Peres Lazaristes) 25 6
20 Propedeutique FIANARANTSOA (Peres Lazaristes) 15 5
21 Paroisse Jean Paul II FIANARANTSOA (Peres Lazaristes) 2 1
22 Radio AINA MANANJARY (Diocese Mananjary) 10 4
23 Paroisse St. Vincent de Paul FARAFANGANA (Peres Lazaristes) 2 1
24 Maison Ambila (Peres Lazaristes) 2 1
25 Paroisse St. Vincent de Paul MANAKARA (Peres Lazaristes) 2 1
26 Radio RAKAMA VOHIPENO (Diocese Farafangana) 10 4
27 Paroisse Notre Dame De l’Assomption VOHIPENO (Peres Lazaristes) 2 1
28 Paroisse MIDONGY ATSIMO (Peres Lazaristes) 2 1
29 Paroisse BEFOTAKA ATSIMO (Peres Lazaristes) 2 1
30 CFTP LAZARISTES (Centre de Formation Technique et Professionel) Antananarivo (Peres Lazaristes) 15 4
31 Soeurs Filles de la Charite (Soeur Augustine) 10 4



Organisms a Androy (Sarah Burgisser, U.S.A.)

Mgr. Fulgence RAZAKARIVONY, évêque d’ Ihosy

Mgr. Luc Olivier, évêque de Fort-Dauphin








  Reste encore disponible (sur decision Béné & Benoit) 10 0
  TOTAL 300 100

We would like to thank our contributors for this collective effort!

Keep giving!

In these times more difficult than ever, we need your help.

USAID is no more.

WHO has deserted.

You can help us replace them.

We are talking here about the survival of millions of people.


Total: 300 Computers and 100 Printers

We would like to thank our contributors for this collective effort!

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