JANUARY 5, 2025

LATEST ARRIVAL at the port of Tamatave (Toamasina)

Another 250,000 meals for Tonjomoha.

Tanjomoha welcomes the most destitute people in this region, without distinction of race, gender, religious or ideological beliefs.

Exclusively intended for Father Emeric’s disabled and his food refugees.

We are on February 14, 2025, and it is only now that this shipment can be sent to Tonjomoha.

  • Problems with the boarding documentation.
  • Problems with the American Freight Forwarder agent’s transporter.
  • Enlightened help from Madam Minister of Population (On the left in the photo, Mrs. Léontine RAHAZANIA, our specialist in customs matters)

Then came the Customs Authorization


In summary, we are here, and here is the result: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-OHR-yV_yE

Keep Giving!

In these more difficult times than ever, we need your help.

USAID is no more.

WHO is deserted

You can help us replace them.

We are talking here about the survival of millions of people

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