We contribute to save the planet

We contribute to save the planet

We participate to save the planet Clean energy Madagascar Foundation Renewable energies (solar, hydro, wind) Since 2005 father Pedro and the Association AKAMASOA electrify the villages they have created with the population of the poor in Madagascar. The Association...

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Remember New York October 2015

Remember New York October 2015

Hi, Millions of  Dollar already raised and spent for Presidential election Look at the "Numbers" for election 2016. Why not to support the great man who saved women and children by thousand? Why not to support our Project "Ship Hospital? May be the  527 group could...

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Computer class at AKAMASOA

Computer class at AKAMASOA

Computer class at AKAMASOA From "Energie, Coopération, Développement Association" 's report... Since 2010 we have equipped IT training rooms several schools and colleges in Antananarivo. All these rooms are properly used now. Akamasoa was able to motivate teachers and...

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We are Paris – Message from father Pedro Opeka

We are Paris – Message from father Pedro Opeka

Dear friends,   I am very dismayed and I am left with no way this morning when I woke up in Saint Gilles les Bains in Reunion where I'm on tour.   I hear in the media the attacks perpetrated in Paris with more than a hundred dead and as many wounded!  ...

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NEW  YORK  – USA –   Recognition of Father Pedro in USA

NEW YORK – USA – Recognition of Father Pedro in USA

Father Pedro Opeka received on October 29th 2015 in New York at the University’s premier gala, the highest award conferred by the St. John's University entitled "Spirit of Service Award" at the 18th Annual President’s Dinner. This prize is awarded to outstanding...

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Cleveland Rallies to Honor Father Pedro Opeka on Nov. 1, 2015

Cleveland Rallies to Honor Father Pedro Opeka on Nov. 1, 2015

On Sunday, November 1st, Fr. Opeka will concelebrate the 10:00am Mass at St. Mary of the Assumption Church, 15519 Holmes Avenue, Cleveland Oh 44110. The banquet will begin immediately after in the parish hall. Tickets are $25.00 per person and are available on a...

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CROWDFUNDRAISING for Ship Hospital (1st Step)

CROWDFUNDRAISING for Ship Hospital (1st Step)

WHERE Charity & Non-profit spirit can win! http://fndr.se/w1hI INTERNATIONAL Public Crowdfundraising   Ship Hospital for Madagascar’s Isolated Populations   Madagascar Foundation (http://www.madagascar-foundation.org) is an  American non-profit and...

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Here are the results, the children have a home and are in school, they benefit from health care and are confident in their future.

But… many still remain on the lower side of the road and are waiting for Father Pédro… They are waiting for us and… They are waiting for you…


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