Hope starts with food. Help us to help them.

Hope starts with food. Help us to help them.

Considering the difficulties of the South and the South-East of Madagascar where “Precariousness, famine, drought, Covid 19 and escheat dominate;   Madagascar Association, Madagascar Foundation Adam de Villiers Foundation   – Madagascar Association, –...

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Help us…to Help them…

Help us…to Help them…

Southern Madagascar on the brink of famine as rising temperatures create catastrophic drought https://www.nbcnews.com/video/southern-madagascar-on-the-brink-of-famine-as-rising-temperatures-create-catastrophic-drought-117655621829...

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Madagascar suffers worst droughts in 40 years (CNN)

Madagascar suffers worst droughts in 40 years (CNN)

Climate change has pushed a million people in Madagascar to the 'edge of starvation,' UN says   (CNN)Climate change is the driving force of a developing food crisis in southern Madagascar, the UN's World Food Programme (WFP) has warned. The African...

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UNESCO World Conference May 2021

UNESCO World Conference May 2021

"Dear friends, it will be necessary to overcome poverty to change the world ", launched Father Pedro in his opening speech at the 6th Plenary Meeting of the UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development. Later, the Vincentian Priest of the...

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Open letter to First Lady Jill BIDEN

Open letter to First Lady Jill BIDEN

Open letter from overseas to First Lady Jill BIDEN         Thank you for: - Any support you could give for introducing us to the White House (hoping for special interest from Vice President Kamala Harris, and/or Secretary of State Antony John...

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Here are the results, the children have a home and are in school, they benefit from health care and are confident in their future.

But… many still remain on the lower side of the road and are waiting for Father Pédro… They are waiting for us and… They are waiting for you…


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