The Ship of Hope for the poor

Madagascar Foundation invites First Lady Melania Trump  in Madagascar to meet Fra Pedro Opeka  


his 14.000 children in schools and his 25.000 people in his 22 villages 

Association Akamasoa


Press release 

The Ship of Hope for the Poor

Madagascar Foundation invites First Lady Melania Trump

By Patrick Adam de Villiers


Madagascar Foundation, Public Charity and nonprofit in the USA, (501 c 3) sent an invitation to First Lady Melania Trump to support our Project of  Ship Hospital for the Poorest of the Poor.

As of June, a letter was addressed to First Lady about a Projected “Hospital Ship”.

An International Project scope designed to provide health care for the needy of Madagascar, East Africa, and the Indian Ocean.

Madagascar Foundation supports Father Pedro Opeka of Slovenian Origine,

recognized Worldwide for his humanitarian work at Association Akamasoa for the poorest of the poor in Madagascar.

Madagascar Foundation supports its association and its 14,000 children, its 25,000 people in its 22 villages, schools, clinics and hospitals.

Fra Pedro Opeka saved already more than Half Million People.

Pedro Opeka is of Slovenian origin, as Melania Trump.

Melania knows already the name of Fra Pedro Opeka and we expect her attention, her interest, and support.

With the participation of the First Lady of the United States, Madagascar Foundation will set a council that could be composed of other First Ladies, Queens and Princesses in Europe and the Middle East.

This council will support our exceptional Humanitarian Project of Ship Hospital

and will become a platform for support and conciliation between some Middle East Countries and Western countries in order to find acceptable solutions on their deep disagreements they have today and by the way may diminished International tension.

Madagascar Foundation has already contact with First Lady of France, Mrs. Brigitte Macron’s Chief of Staff who shows interest in this Unparalleled Humanitarian Project.

Contact :

Patrick Adam de Villiers

Founder / Chairman / CEO

Madagascar Foundation

Madagascar Association


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