Patrick Boonefaes, president of Vendée-Akamasoa, is no more…

Patrick Boonefaes, president of Vendée-Akamasoa, is no more...   Published on September 11, 2024 by Vendée-Akamasoa On June 23, 2019, Marietta and Patrick Boonefaes received Father Pedro in Les Herbiers, Vendée, on the occasion of his tour of France, for a moment...

We have loaded more than a quarter of a million meals for the extreme SOUTH of Madagascar

We have loaded more than a quarter of a million meals for the extreme SOUTH of Madagascar Madagascar's forgotten crisis Poverty and hunger, on the front line of climate change, call for your donations to our action. 250,000 food rations of rice and vitamin supplements...

Our help for the Mananjary region devastated by several cyclones.

Our help for the Mananjary region devastated by several cyclones. We loaded containers from Los Angeles that arrived in January 2024 at the Malagasy port of Tamatave (Toamasina): More than thirty days later our containers were still in port. The port authorities made...

Easter 2024

Easter 2024 [video width="848" height="478"...

School festival in Akamasoa

School festival in Akamasoa [video width="848" height="478"...

Be with us to save them

Madagascar: Drought - 2018-2024   Disaster description Severe drought conditions during southern Madagascar’s rainy season from November 2017 to April 2018 have led to nearly dry dams in many parts of the south. This dryness has affected livestock’s access to...

Madagascar Foundation

« Public Charity »
Help the poor lift their heads

We are a non-profit charitable organization that was created to energize and encourage donations from all over the world with the aim of supporting actions such as those of Father Pedro Opeka and his association Akamasoa, but also Father Emeric Amyot d’Inville and his association Foyer de Tonjomoha as well as Father Faratsely Gaston and the Sisters of Charity.

Father Pedro Opeka and the Akamasoa association:
Help without assisting

Convinced that lasting help cannot be provided only from the outside, and that it is the change of the human person by getting them out of their old habits that must be operated: Akamasoa wishes to help without assisting.

Father Emeric and the Association Foyer de Tonjomoha:
Everyone is welcome

Located on the southeast coast of Madagascar, the Foyer de Tanjomoha was created in 1986 by Father Vincent Carme with the aim of welcoming young people with physical disabilities to treat their handicap and give them vocational training.

Father Faratsely Gaston and the Charity Sisters:
Help without assisting

We have been supporting Father Faratsely Gaston Provincial Visitor as well as the Sisters of Charity in the Great South of Madagascar since 2022. This association works with more than 75,000 people in an “extreme survival situation”

Grâce à vous, c'est déjà :

Houses built

Villages created

Sports field

Brick houses

22 villages created, 272 school classes, 15,000 school children, the teaching teams number 455 and are assisted by 58 employees, 5,000,000 meals served only to children up to 10 years old for the year 2018, 500 tons of rice and 100 tons of vegetables were purchased in 2018, 3,000 jobs are provided daily, an administrative team of 517 employees, all Malagasy.

Children planted more than 20,000 new trees in their free time in 2018.


people have gone through our health centers and been helped since 1989


people now live in these villages.

Help us to help them

Support our actions

Aide Création école Madagascar - Père Pedro Opeka


The education system is one of the pillars of the Association. Any new family settled in AKAMASOA has the obligation to send their children to school in the various structures of the Association.

Le travail - création emploi à Madagascar Association


From the beginning, work was the indispensable condition for getting out of the hell of the streets; it has not changed.
A job in a career, very hard, but worthy.

La santé - Apporter des soins aux enfants de Madagascar


Allowing access to care for the poor is one of the initial objectives of the association. AKAMASOA's largest healthcare center is located in Manantenasoa.

Le reboisement - Financement Pépinière à Madagascar


Every year thousands of trees are planted, and systematically around our villages, by schoolchildren, during the rainy season and are maintained during the dry season.

What Father Pedro does with your money.

What Father Pedro does with your money.

June 13, 2016 This year 2016, we plan to build 100 houses. In June 2016, 58 houses are being built in the villages of Akamasoa.   Construction of buildings located in the village of Mahatsara   17 houses are built in this village of Mahatsara which 14 houses...

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For all of you from Father Pedro – May 25, 2016

For all of you from Father Pedro – May 25, 2016

Dear friends, I was very touched by all your  friendly, brotherly and deep words. You have understood so well the beauty of Miss Honorine soul. All your messages have touch my heart so deeply as all my teammates and people of Akamasoa. I would like to reiterate to...

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Akamasoa emotional farewell to Miss Honorine

Akamasoa emotional farewell to Miss Honorine

Dear friends, Just to let you know what's happen after-the murder of Miss Honorine. Since we lived a lot of very strong event, starting with the first face to face with this inert body, wounded, torn face, a person we had seen alive the day before. Despite these fatal...

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